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About us


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Canton of Vaud (CVCI) was formed in 1898.  We have 3,200 member companies, of which 80 per cent are SMEs, and together they account for close to 135,000 jobs. We are a private and unsubsidised association. We draw our resources from members’ contributions, marketing our services, and various other specific mandates.


The fundamental principles of the CVCI’s mission consist in public policy involvement, networking and provision of services. We are dedicated to promoting openness within a regulatory framework that encourages competitiveness, and under the umbrella of appropriate political support. In this privileged environment, member companies are able to benefit from all the advantages of belonging to an association, such as meetings, exchanges and debates, as well as enjoy numerous quality services which enhance the good functioning of their business.

Social compensation funds 

For the purpose of furthering its mission to provide services, the CVCI has set up social compensation funds to cover member companies in respect of their social security obligations.  Our solid and reliable financial situation means that we can guarantee quality service at the best price. Our expertise and full observance of the regulatory environment, and the professionalism and experience of our staff, mean that we can provide high quality services to our members.

Our social compensation funds are divided in two sections: the OASI-DI-IC compensation fund and the family allowances compensation fund.  In both cases, we collect members’ contributions, manage individual accounts and pay out the statutory benefits to all their employees.  We charge the employer a modest sum for this service, which is levied on the part of the payroll subject to contributions, based on a detailed salary scale.